Friday, December 30, 2011

Luke 4:1-13

There are two primary obstacles for the Christian seeking to live the life in Christ as their way of life. The first obstacle is our self. What the Apostle Paul calls our flesh, or our fallen nature is tempted to sin, that is seek our self-gratification over the will of God in our life. The other obstacle is the evil one. Jesus tells us the evil one comes to kill, steal and destroy the people of God. Jesus says he is a liar, the father of all lies; the truth is not in him. The liar’s mission is to disrupt and destroy the work of building for the Kingdom of God.

Interestingly, the evil one does not tempt us with overt evil. Jesus was not tempted to kill, steal or destroy people; he was tempted to prove he was God’s Messiah. The people were poor and hungry. After fasting for forty days wouldn’t it have been a good thing for Jesus to turn the stones into bread and feed himself as well as feed the people? The alternative ways to fulfill his role of Messiah offered by the evil one were essentially shortcuts that avoided suffering or crucifixion for the Messiah.

There were no shortcuts for Jesus and there are no shortcuts for his followers. The Christian vocation is unique to each individual as we each have our own gifts and graces given to us by God. Developing our vocation takes dedication and hard work, just as a musician must apply these attributes in learning to play a musical instrument.

We all will be tempted to take short cuts which, if taken, will compromise our Christian integrity. However, Jesus has shown us the way to respond to temptation. No dilly dallying, no debate; just immediate responses using the Word of God as our authority. Since the Reformation Protestant churches have maintained that the Bible is our sufficient guide for faith and practice.

Certainly if the scriptures were sufficient for Jesus, so shall they be for his followers.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

31-Dec-11     Luke 4:14-30

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