Friday, August 19, 2011

Matthew 11:1-24

I have often noted that the religious leaders resisted Jesus’ proclamation of the Kingdom of God because Jesus did not meet their expectations of the Messiah. They weren’t the only ones who felt that way. Our passage for today opens with the disciples of John the Baptist going to Jesus. John sent them because he was disappointed in Jesus. John was worried that he was wrong about Jesus because Jesus was not meeting his expectations of the Messiah.

I need to remember this, because if I am honest, there are times when Jesus does not meet my expectations.

I confess that there are times when I am impatient with the ways of God. I wish God moved faster to answer prayers, punish injustice and renew the face of the earth. My impatience is accompanied by anxiety and worry.

Oswald Chambers has helped me understand that when I am worrying it is because I am not nourishing the life of Christ in me. Worry means there is something over which I cannot have my own way. Worry (or disappointment) is in reality evidence of my personal irritation with God. Ouch!

The purpose of prayer is to nourish the life of Christ within me. Worry means I am more focused on circumstances than I am on becoming the person God created me to be.

NOTE: Oswald Chambers is well known for his classic devotional book, My Utmost for His Highest. His book, If You Will Ask – Reflections on the Power of Prayer is in my opinion the best book on prayer. The little book is available from is both text and kindle.

What does today’s reading reveal to you about God?
What does it reveal to you about yourself?
Think about what God wants you to do or remember about this passage.

Does God want you to change anything in your life?

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