Sunday, December 22, 2013

Everyone Has Access to Digital Books

Everyone Has Access to Digital Books

I was asked recently whether I had plans to publish, in print, my book on prayer, First Think / Then Pray. (The Second Edition of this book is only available in the digital format from Amazon Kindle.) I am considering publishing a workbook style edition of this book to use in a Bible study class next fall. However, you don’t have to wait until then to purchase this book, or any of my other books on Amazon Kindle, because you don’t have to have a Kindle Reader in order to read Kindle digital books.

Amazon has a FREE Kindle reader application that is available to install on your iPhone, iPad, Smart Phone, personal computer or laptop computer. Once you install the application, you have access to all of the books and other publications available on Amazon Kindle.

Several members of our Sunday school class, men and women, young and older, when asked to read Scripture, open up their iPad or Smart Phone and read from their favorite Bible translation. You don’t have to have one of the Kindle readers, such as Kindle DX or Kindle Fire, to read digital books. Just install their FREE Kindle application and enjoy!

(You can also give digital books from Amazon Kindle as a gift. The recipient will receive an email from Amazon providing them with instructions on how to download your gift to them.)

Publications by Alex M. Knight:

·        Seeking the Life in Christ, Meditations on the New Testament and Psalms has been published and is now available at in paperback and Kindle.

·        The second edition of  First Think – Then Pray is available on Amazon Kindle.

·        Meditations on The Story of My Life as told by Jesus Christ has been released as an e-book on Amazon Kindle.

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