Friday, August 26, 2011

Matthew 14:13-33

As I prepare this the Weather Channel is on with news of people packing to evacuate the coastal regions in the path of Hurricane Irene. We are packing to leave also, but not because of the Hurricane. Cheryl’s mother has been hospitalized in Clearwater and we need to return home.

Today’s reading is helpful to me as I respond to our family crisis. When we were in Israel last year we visited a place believed to be the location where Jesus fed the multitude of men, women and children. As those images come to me I have a sense of the eternal continuity of God caring for his people. In two weeks when we celebrate Holy Communion (Sept. 4) I will use the same words Jesus used while preparing the meal: I will take the bread; bless the bread, break the bread and give the bread. Every time I get to say those words I feel connected to something so sacred, and so much bigger than me. I feel as I am in a safe place.

The story of Peter’s adventure on the water has always intrigued me. First, I have a pet peeve with the way the story is sometimes used. I cringe when people use the story as an example of putting faith into action and say something cutesy like, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat.”

I think Jesus was walking on water because it was the most expedient way for him to catch up to the disciples. Jesus was not challenging them to show their faith by walking on water; Jesus was challenging the disciples because of their lack of faith. Jesus had just finished feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread and two fish. What else did the disciples need to believe? Why were they terrified to see Jesus coming to them? They responded from fear and missed being comforted by Jesus through faith.

This episode is an encouragement to me to live with a made up mind: Jesus will take care of me; all things are possible with Jesus; I can rest in the assurance that Jesus knows where I am and is and will be all I need.

What does today’s reading reveal 
to you about God?
What does it reveal 
to you about yourself?
Think about what God wants you
to do or remember about this passage.
Does God want you 
to change anything in your life?

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