Sunday, August 14, 2011

Matthew 8: 1-27

Matthew has laid the foundation for Jesus’ ministry in the first seven chapters. Now, in the next two chapters he will demonstrate how God’s plan to bring His Kingdom on earth through Jesus is turning everything on earth upside down. As I read Matthew’s account I am reflecting on my own life to see what God has turned upside down in me, because if there hasn’t been massive upheaval in my life, then I haven’t encountered the Kingdom of God.

Matthew demonstrates this truth in three sets of miracles or mighty works of Jesus: 8:1-17; 8:23-9:8; and 9: 18-34. Each set has its own emphasis and each set has three examples of Jesus’ power. Matthew weaves other material through these examples of Jesus’ power to help us understand the significance of Jesus’ miracles.

In today’s reading of the first of the three groups of Jesus’ miracles, Jesus heals a leper, the servant of a Roman soldier and Peter’s mother-in-law. These miracles have two things in common. First, they reveal that Jesus has the authority and power to instantly, through His Word or touch, to heal and make whole the lives of those who suffer. Secondly, each person healed – a leper, a Gentile, and a woman – lived on the edge of Jewish culture.

In The Sermon on the Mount Jesus described life in the Kingdom of God and invited all people to come and live under the reign of God. In this first set of miracles Jesus makes it clear that when he invites all people, He means ALL people. In Jesus’ Kingdom we all are invited to sit at the head table.

When I think of growing the church, I see the sanctuary filled with more people, just like the people, that are already present. God forgive me. There is still much more in my life that needs to be upheaved to make room for the Kingdom of God.

What does today’s reading reveal to you about God?
What does it reveal to you about yourself?
Think about what God wants you to do or remember about this passage.

Does God want you to change anything in your life?

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