Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2 Corinthians 6:11 – 7:16

July 7, 2011

The Apostle Paul quotes from several Old Testament texts to paint a picture for the church. Think about the parable of the Prodigal Son and how the father welcomes his son home. Paul has that vision in mind when he draws on the Old Testament texts that deal with God bringing His people out of exile. The exile Paul sees was the exile that separated us from God: sin and death. God, in Christ, redeemed us from sin and death so that the Father could welcome us home.

With that vision in mind Paul is challenging the church to consider whether it is good to have God’s people bound in relationships with people committed to pagan idolatry. This is not at all about forming a secret society that is cut off from the world. Paul is very clear that we are called to be in the world; but not of the world. We are in the world so we can witness for Christ. But, while we are in the world we hold firm to our Christian standards. That can be difficult in the best of circumstances. But, it is nearly impossible when we enter into partnerships with unbelievers. In those cases we are doing the very thing we ask God to help us not do: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”

What does today’s reading reveal to you about God?
What does it reveal to you about yourself?
Think about what God wants you to do or remember about this passage.

Does God want you to change anything in your life?

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