Saturday, April 21, 2012

1 John 2

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While reading John’s epistles it will be very helpful to remember ‘Life in the age to come’ is the literal translation of the phrase ‘eternal life’ in the New Testament. One of the core foundations of the church is a belief that God is going to establish His Kingdom on earth in the ‘age to come’ where everything would be made right and truth and justice would flourish. God’s Kingdom will be new life on earth, as the paradise God intended. This Life in the Age to Come began on Easter Sunday when God’s promise was fulfilled in the resurrection of Jesus, the Messiah. God has opened the doors of this age, His Kingdom, to everyone. John’s purpose in this letter is to edify the believers and to encourage them to seek to live the life in Christ now, as they prepare for the full revelation of God’s Kingdom.

John has an interesting style in his writing that reminds me of many contemporary praise songs. In a manner similar to the Taizé movement in France, these contemporary songs use repetitive phrases as a means of meditation. The point is to take the time to let the truth of the phrase go deep within our spirit. John is repetitive throughout this letter for the same reason.

John is the only writer in the New Testament to use the word ‘antichrist.’ He uses it twice in chapter two, once in chapter four and once in his second letter. John uses the word in a generic way to refer to people who deny the humanity of Christ and for those who break fellowship with the church. In either case, John is asserting that the antichrist is denying the sacrificial work of Jesus to establish His church. From John’s perspective, as well as that of the other writers of the New Testament, if we will focus ourselves of fulfilling Jesus’ commandment to love others as He has loved us, we will have a full plate. Literally, we’ll have all we can say grace over.

What word or phrase in these verses
Attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

Reading for 22-Apr-12       1 John 3 & 4

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