Wednesday, April 4, 2012

John 18: 1-27

God’s grand and glorious ‘do-over’ is becoming more clear. Recall that the Gospels present the story of Jesus in a particular setting. There was the first exodus of God’s people led by Moses. Now God’s Messiah is leading the second exodus. There was the Garden of Eden inhabited by Adam. Now we are in a second garden, Gethsemane. In the first Garden, God, in the cool of the evening, came looking for Adam. In the second Garden, in the cool of the evening, sinful man comes looking for Jesus, God’s second Adam. (The Apostle Paul writes much about the ‘first’ and ‘last’ Adam in Romans 5 and 1 Corinthians 15) Another Garden will be the setting for Jesus’ resurrection.

‘Who are you looking for?” Jesus asked. “Jesus of Nazareth” the soldiers replied.

Those gathered in the Garden hear much more than Jesus’ simple reply, “I am he.” They hear; “I AM.”

 “I AM The Bread Of Life.”
“I AM The Light Of The World.”
“I AM The Gate.”
“I AM The Good Shepherd.”
“I AM The Resurrection And The Life.”
“I AM The Way, The Truth And The Life.”
‘I AM The Vine.”

With the memory of these seven ‘I am” statements echoing through the Garden the absurdness of the moment was overwhelming: sinful man was arresting God. The arresting force drew back and fell down. I suspect we would have as well.

Full of love and loyalty Peter makes his way to the place of Jesus’ interrogation. When questioned, Jesus tells the truth. When questioned, Peter lies. Immediately Peter understands Jesus’ teaching: I am the vine, you are the branch. Apart from me you can do nothing. Peter embodied the weakness of sinful flesh that cannot be overcome until Jesus sends The Helper, The Advocate, The Holy Spirit. 

The rooster crows. 
 A memorial to Peter with the Mount of Olives in the background.

By the way, remember, John never includes a meaningless detail. Peter warmed himself by a charcoal fire. Peter will meet Jesus by another charcoal fire in John 21:9.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

Reading for 5-Apr-12         John 18: 28-40

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