Thursday, May 3, 2012


It is in the midst of adversity, both big and small, that the depth of our Life in Christ is revealed. The adversity may involve someone being rude or cutting us off in traffic, or perhaps we see everything we have worked for being lost through divorce, business failure or personal bankruptcy. How we respond to these circumstances reveals what we believe about God and how deeply Christ has transformed our life.

Near the end of King David’s reign, his son Absalom led a rebellion against David and seized the throne of Israel. That’s adversity. Gene Edward deals with the adversity in David’s life in his book, A Tale of Three Kings. It is the story of David’s relationship with both King Saul and Absalom. This book is a Christian classic and should be in the personal library of every Christian.

Psalm 3 was written by King David in the midst of Absalom’s rebellion. David responded to the revolt by expressing his deep trust in God: If God wants me to be on the throne, no one can take it away; if God doesn’t want me on the throne there is nothing I can do to keep it.

This trust is revealed in the movement of the psalm from a description of the crisis to his calling out to God for help. David can rest because God hears, God fights the battle, and God blesses His people.

The word Sē’lah is used three times in this psalm. It is translated, Interlude, in the NLT, which comes pretty close to describing its meaning.  But, Sē’lah is more than resting; in this context it is taking the time to think and reflect on what has been written.

Today as I reflect on verses 4-6, two details caught my attention. First, David “cried out to the Lord.” This suggests to me David was praying out loud and is a reminder to me that the two most effective ways for me to pray is to write my prayers or pray out loud. Either way, my mind is focused and fully directed to God.

The second detail was the connection between David’s trust in God and a good night’s sleep. This is the peace that passes all understanding that Paul speaks of in Philippians 4. David’s circumstances had not changed, but he was able to rest because he knew the Lord was watching over him.

Every day we all face adversities. How we respond to these adversities reveals the depth of our Life in Christ.


What word or phrase in these verses
Attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

May 4, 2012 - Psalm 4

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