Saturday, September 17, 2011

Matthew 25: 31 - 26:5

I believe the parable of the Sheep & Goats is the climax of Matthew’s Gospel. This is the last formal teaching of Jesus and it pulls together the entire message of Jesus. When the resurrected Jesus gives the Disciples the Great Commandment to Go and Make disciples (Matthew 28:18) it is like an exclamation mark to this parable.

Consider the judge of the sheep and goats. This is Jesus who in Matthew 8:20 had nowhere to lay his head, now seated on the throne as King; This is Jesus who in Matthew 12:24 was accused of being the devil; now reigning as Lord of Lords; This is Jesus who in Matthew 4 resisted all of the temptations of the devil and was comforted by the angels; now comes above all the earth in glory and in command of the angels; This is Jesus who in Matthew 13 was rejected, even in his hometown; now the Judge of all the world.

Consider the sheep. When they saw someone in need they offered assistance. They didn’t throw money at the problem. They didn’t send someone else. They offered their hand; they gave their water; they touched and bandaged the wound; they listened with compassion. They served because service was needed, not to be noticed or rewarded. They served because God created us to be in community.

Consider the goats. They saw everything the sheep saw, but they didn’t serve. They goats tell the Judge they didn’t see the need. The Judge will say, ‘Yes, you did.” The goats will tell the Judge they were afraid to serve. The Judge will say I gave you the power to overcome your fear and you didn’t accept it.” The goats will have lots of excuses. The Judge will say, “You just didn’t get it. That’s on you, not me. Spend your eternity in the fear and greed you choose for yourself.”

This is not a parable about some getting rewarded for good deeds and some getting punished because of the good deeds left undone. Ultimately this is a parable about allegiance. In the end it is not a matter of who we say we are; it is a matter of whose we are. Those who actually align themselves with the King will reflect the King’s goodness.

What does today’s reading reveal to you
about God?
What does it reveal to you about yourself?
Think about what God wants you to do
or remember about this passage.
Does God want you to change anything in your life?

18-Sep-11     Matthew 26:6-25

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