Thursday, September 22, 2011

Matthew 27: 11-32

As a book of theology, the Gospel of Matthew is a study of the faith, practice and experience of Jesus, his disciples and followers. It is not just a chronological record of the life and ministry of Jesus. When I keep this in mind I am encouraged to look deeper into what happened. When I do, I see things I might have missed if I was just reading that this happened, then this, and then this etc.

This morning I noticed two things that I haven’t noticed before. As Matthew tells the story of the last chapter in Jesus’ life, the only persons who act justly or speak the truth are women. It was an unnamed woman who anointed Jesus for burial in Bethany, it was women that confronted Peter as a follower of Jesus, before the rooster crowed, and it was Pilate’s wife that sent a message of Jesus’ innocence. In that culture women were not regarded as creditable witnesses. Perhaps Matthew is preparing the readers to receive the first witnesses of the Risen Lord. On Easter Sunday women will be the first to proclaim, “I have seen the Lord.”

In Jesus’ encounter with the soldiers I see Jesus fulfilling his words from the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus is slapped in the face, but he turns his creek. Jesus’ outer garment is taken and he gives more. Jesus bears the burden of carrying the wooden cross. (Matthew 5:39-41) Jesus lived out his own teachings. As his follower can I strive for less?

What does today’s reading reveal to you
about God?
What does it reveal to you about yourself?
Think about what God wants you to do
or remember about this passage.
Does God want you to change anything in your life?

23-Sep-11     Matthew 27:33-54

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