Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mark 5: 1-20

In Tiberius, standing on the shore of the Sea of Galilee you look to the east toward the Golan Heights. This has long been a disputed territory in the Middle East and then as now it was not a part of Israel. Mark does not tell us why Jesus went to that side of the lake, but in verse 21 we learn Jesus immediately returned to Israel after this incident. I think it is safe to assume Jesus went there for the purpose of setting the demon possessed man free.

It is important for us to remember that Mark did not write a travel diary. He did not record these events as they happened. Mark’s Gospel is a biography of Jesus, written after the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Accordingly, all of the events, encounters, sermons, miracles and conversations are interpreted by Mark in the light of the victory of Jesus over sin and death.

At the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry the Roman invaders were thought to be the personification of Satan. It was also believed that evil, or monsters, came out of the sea. The Jews believed that any contact with the demon possessed person encounter by Jesus would make them unclean; as would contact with pigs and cemeteries. Accordingly, everything encountered in this incident, from the perspective of the Jews, was evil and unclean. When Jesus exercised his authority over the demons (the forces of evil) and gave them permission to enter into the pigs he was sending the evil back to the sea from whence it had come.

Many people do not like this story because it seems unfair to the owners of the pigs, notwithstanding the fact that the man, the human being, was set free. While I can understand that concern I am more focused on the symbolism of Christ setting free all humanity from the forces of evil, from sin and death.

Two insights in this incident should not be lost over concern for the pigs or herd owners. First, the demons knew Jesus and submitted to his authority. Knowing about Jesus and even respecting Jesus’ authority is not the same as entering into a saving relationship with Jesus. Secondly, the man set free models for us all we need to know about faith sharing or evangelism. Simply tell others what Jesus has done for you.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

28-Oct-11     Mark 5:21-43

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