Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Revelation 6

Chapters 6 through 16 are a series of self-contained visions. Each scene is intended to teach the churches about the nature of evil and God’s judgment on it, and to offer hope in the midst of their suffering. Each scene is described as a cycle of seven; first seals, then trumpets and then bowls. We begin today with the first vision of a cycle of seven seals.

John is discussing evil and the judgment of God. The white horseman is a symbol of victory and represents one who has set out to impose his will on any and all who oppose him. For the seven churches this would have been Domitian the Roman Emperor. The red horseman is a symbol for war and strife, which results when there is opposition to the Emperor. The black horseman is a symbol for the lack of something. In this case it is a lack of food which was a means of persecuting those who did now bow down to the Emperor. The pale horse, the color of a corpse, is death.

The one who set out to conquer (white horse) sets in motion events which lead to war and strife (red horse) that lead to harsh times (black horse) which results in death to many, on both sides of the conflict.

The fifth seal reveals a special place in God’s care for those who have been martyred for their faith. From their special place they intercede for God to act so that the victory of good will prevail. The sixth seal reveals God’s judgment against evil. In apocalyptic writings the judgment of God is often described in terms of violent acts of nature such as earthquakes.

Whew! We have covered much ground. Next, in chapter 7, there will be a bit of an interlude.

My takeaway from today’s reading: God’s justice is sure. No one who deserves God’s judgment against their evil ways can escape. There will be no place to hide. From my perspective God’s coming justice may seem slow, but it is certain.

What does today’s reading
reveal to you about God?
What does it reveal to you about yourself?
Think about what God wants you to do
or remember about this passage.
Does God want you to change
anything in your life?

5-Oct-11       Rev. 7:1-17

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