Saturday, March 3, 2012

John 1: 29-51

John’s Gospel has established the mission of Jesus: “Look! There is the Lamb of God!” (v.36) In this gospel John will show us that as the Passover lamb was sacrificed for the sins of an individual, Jesus the Lamb of God, will be sacrificed for the sins of the world.

John the Baptist had pointed to Jesus and his followers begin to follow Jesus. Most likely the other disciple with Andrew, the one that is not named, is the author of this Gospel, John the brother of James. As these new disciples seek after Jesus they find Jesus is seeking after them. I am reminded of the promise of God in James 4:8, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.”

The foundation of the Gospel is completed when Jesus engages Nathanael in conversation. Nathanael immediately connects the dots and declares Jesus the Son of God. Jesus responds with a reference to Jacob’s ladder in Genesis 28. Jacob had a dream in which he saw a ladder extending to heaven with angels coming and going on the ladder. He named the place where he had the dream, Bethel, which means House of God. Later, Bethel would become the site of a great sanctuary for God’s people. This belief that God comes to meet his people, to interact with them, finds its fulfillment in the Jews understanding of the Temple where God’s presence dwelled. Jesus is telling Nathanael that the miracles he will witness are evidence that God’s presence is within Jesus.

Jesus is saying when you are with him you are in God’s house. God’s presence is with you. The disciples of Jesus can experience this truth as they sit quietly in their devotional time. Can you envision a sanctuary where all of the disciples of Jesus bring an awareness of God’s presence within them for their corporate worship time together? John, in the Book of Revelation, describes such a time as the saints of God gather around God’s throne.

As we continue in our journey through John’s Gospel we will see that John doesn’t think we have to wait until we get to heaven to have this experience of God’s presence as we worship.

We may have it Sunday. The scriptures do say that God inhabits the praises of His people! (Psalm 22:3)

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

4-Mar-12      John 2:1-22

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