Saturday, March 24, 2012

John 11: 17-44

We can know about someone, or we can know of them. We can also know them; know them personally. I love the music of Robin Mark of Belfast, Northern Ireland. I listened to and enjoyed his music. But, after spending a week with him in a setting where he led worship services for our group twice per day, I got to know him. After hosting him to lead worship at my church and corresponding with him, my personal knowledge of him grew and my appreciation for his music and ministry deepened.

Martha had been in various settings with Jesus on numerous occasions and she had come to have great respect and appreciation for his ministry. Yet, she still did not know him. Her (and her sister’s) ‘If only’ statements to Jesus reveal an underlying trust in his supernatural powers, but does not reveal an intimate knowledge of the person of Jesus. In raising Lazarus from the dead Jesus was able to help Martha, and Mary, understand that the resurrection was not some future event that will happen some day; the resurrection is a person. Jesus, as God’s Messiah, has brought the future hope of God’s restored Kingdom to become a present reality.

In the midst of this hugely difficult theological and doctrinal point to grasp, Jesus reveals the very heart of God. Jesus wept. Jesus fulfilled the words of the prophet Isaiah, “Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down.” (Isaiah 53:4)

The Palmist tells us that God cares deeply for us: “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.” (Psalm 56:8)

God keeps our tears in a bottle and Jesus weeps with us.

What wondrous love is this,
O my soul, O my soul,
what wondrous love is this,
O my soul!

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What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

Reading for 25-Mar-12      John 11:45-12:11

NOTE: This BLOG, is now available for subscription from Amazon Kindle. At the Amazon Kindle store type Seeking the Life in Christ in the search field. 

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