Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mark 11: 27-12:12

 Many people today try to dance around the issue of authority. The Pharisees were hoping Jesus would say something that they could use against him; they were not really looking for truth. Jesus exposes their hypocrisy both in refusing to answer their question directly, and in the parable of the vineyard. In Isaiah chapter 5 Israel is presented as a vineyard planted by God. Instead of producing good fruit the vineyard produces only wild grapes. Everybody present knew Jesus was talking about the rebellious nature of Israel and the judgment of God against Israel’s sins.

When Jesus mentioned John the Baptist, Mark wants us to remember that when Jesus was baptized God anointed him and gave him the authority to become God’s Messiah. Therefore, when we, as followers of Jesus, are baptized we too receive an anointing and authority from God to fulfill our destiny as God’s children. We are the ones God has appointed to be a light to the nations.

In these encounters in Jerusalem Jesus is modeling for his followers how to use their authority. We are surrounded everyday by scores of opportunities to speak truth into the issues of our times. The economic issues, the political issues, issues of poverty and homelessness, issues of discrimination and bigotry; these permeate out culture. Today and everyday God is asking, ““Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?” (Isaiah 6:8)

Who will speak for God? We are surrounded by naysayers who cultivate fear and mistrust. Who will share the Christian perspective on the issues of our times?

God is not looking just to the pulpits for his messengers to speak his word of truth. God is looking for all of his children to speak his word to their neighbors, their children, their grandchildren, their representatives in government.

Will you respond, “Here I am. Send me.”

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

11-Nov-11     Mark 12:13-37

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