Friday, November 11, 2011

Mark 12: 13-37

Still waters run deep is what I think of when I read Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees over the issue of paying taxes. At that time the Jews had lived their entire life under Roman oppression. The Jews hated the Romans. Adding insult to injury, the Roman coin had an inscription of the Roman Emperor with text affirming him as divine and high priest. Because the Jews were forbidden to make an image of their God, just to hold a Roman coin was completely offensive to a devout Jew.

The Jews were burdened with Roman taxes, local taxes, Temple taxes and taxes to King Herod. The Pharisees thought Jesus had no choice but to anger either the Romans or the Jews by his response. However, Jesus’ response went in an expected direction.

On the surface Jesus’ reply seems simple enough; pay your taxes. On a deeper level it is important for us to grasp what Jesus intended, and what he did not.

Jesus was not making a statement about separation of church and state. God never intended for his values, ethics, and principals to be separated from mainstream society. History has an abundance of examples of where humans got it wrong in their attempts to forge a society govern by God’s word. However, there are examples of when they have come closer to getting it right, such as the forging of our Declaration of Independence.

What then did Jesus mean; beyond simply pay your taxes? Jesus asked the Pharisees whose image was on the coin. Because Caesar’s image was on the coin Jesus said “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” The image of God is not on a coin, it is within human beings. We are created in the image of God. When Jesus says “give to God what belongs to God” Jesus is teaching us to give ourselves to God. This understanding inspires the lines in my favorite prayer:

“I acknowledge you to be my Creator and my God. I render to you the reverence of my being and my life. I am not my own. I am yours. By creation and redemption I am yours. I will devote myself to your service this day and forever.”

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

12-Nov-11     Mark 12:38-13:13

1 comment:

CSI said...

Dear man of God,Pastor Alex, Holy Greetings to you from India in Christ Our Lord.I am Pastor from India. Your Writings are Wonderful.I and we pray to God That HE may Bless you Richly and abundantly. I pray to God That HE may use you until the ends of the Earth in His Glorious Service.

If it is God's will, Please Pray for me and for Our Ministries.

If it is HIS will,If you have any Direction from God, Please send an E.mail.

In Christ Alone