Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mark 13: 14-37

Chapter 13 began with a discussion of the fall of the Temple. Jesus encouraged his followers to hold firm in their faith. At the conclusion of this chapter Jesus gives his disciples warning signs that the fall is very near. When they see those signs they need to flee Jerusalem because the end is at hand. His final word to them is to stay alert; no one knows when the end is coming.

The end Jesus is discussing is the end of the Temple system for the Jews and the destruction of Jerusalem. Civil unrest led to a complete breakdown of Jewish society. Starvation was rampant for the Jews. From 66-70 AD Jerusalem was terrorized by the Romans. Thousands of Jews were crucified and the Temple was burned.

Imagining how you might feel if a foreign army looted, desecrated and destroyed Washington DC and all the symbols of our national heritage, even that, does not compare to the loss of culture and national identity experienced by the Jews when Jerusalem fell in 70 AD.

However, the fall of Jerusalem was not the end for Mark and his church. This gospel was written after the resurrection of Jesus. His church had the sure hope of eternal life and the continuing and abiding presence of the Holy Spirit for comfort and guidance as they proclaimed the Good News of Jesus Christ. Being prepared, staying alert is not so difficult when you are focused on the presence of Emmanuel, God with us.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

14-Nov-11     Mark 14:1-31

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