Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mark 16: 8b - 20

The extra endings of Mark first appeared in the late second or third century when those assigned the task of copying scripture began inserting the extra material. Even though these endings were not written by Mark they do provide insight into how the early Christian community sought to live out the Gospel.

Three parts of the endings caught my attention.  First, the appearance of Jesus to the disciples in the countryside is mentioned. Luke tells us they were on the Road to Emmaus.

Secondly, the emphasis on signs and wonders is contrary to Mark’s teaching in this Gospel. I believe Mark would have expected the disciples to go into the world with faith in the resurrection because they shouldn’t need anything else. However, the addition of this material does show how difficult it is to live by faith. The natural inclination of the flesh is to want Jesus to continually reaffirm his presence with miracles.

Finally, the slowness of the disciples to believe in the resurrection is emphasized. Still today the greatest difficulty in the lives of the followers of Jesus is in breaking the inertia of hesitancy to get up and go share the Good News:

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

21-Nov-11     Phil. 1:1-14

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