Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Luke 11:14-36

Many of the people Jesus encountered had specific, identifiable issues that shaped their lives. Some of these issues were illnesses, others were demons, and others were physical limitations. The rest of the people had their issues as well but they were just not as obvious. But, they saw what Jesus did for others and hoped that somehow Jesus could touch their lives and fix what was wrong. Jesus is concerned that these people are building their faith on the signs of the coming Kingdom, rather than on the values of new life in God’s Kingdom.

Those who were jealous of Jesus’ growing fame tried to discredit him by saying Jesus was in league with the Lord of the Flies, the literal translation for Beelzebub, the slang reference to the evil one. In response to these allegations Jesus affirms he is using the power of God to perform miracles. The actual phrase Jesus uses, ‘finger of God’ is used also in Exodus 8:19, when the Pharaoh’s magicians said they could not do the miracles Moses performed because Moses was using the finger of God. Luke wants us to connect the exodus Moses led with the exodus Jesus is leading.

Jesus’ parable about the demons leaving and then returning stronger is a reminder to me that as a follower of Jesus I am called to proactively fill my life with the things of God. Becoming a Christian is not just a matter of stopping the inappropriate behaviors we call sin. Becoming a Christian is a call to fill the spaces formerly occupied by sinful actions with new acts of grace, mercy, love and justice. If I do not replace the bad habits with good habits, the bad habits will return in vengeance with even more strength.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

18-Jan-12     Luke 11:37-54

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