Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Luke 14: 25 - 15:10

NOTE: The next two readings include three of Jesus’ most well know parables: A lost sheep, coin and son. Parables often find their power in the ways we are surprised, either by the ending, or the focus of the story. Since these parables are so familiar, take a few extra minutes in reading them. Then stand back and see if Jesus has any surprises hidden in them for you.

John Wesley loved the word holiness. He talked about scriptural holiness, holiness of the heart and holiness of life. Many people mistakenly think holiness has to do with rigid laws or rules which through obedience make a person holy. Not so, Holiness is the state of being. As Christians we know that our state of being accepted by God comes as a gift of God’s grace, through faith in Jesus. The definition that best fits John Wesley’s use of the word holiness is a state of being in harmony with God.

The result of being in harmony with God is a change in vision. I recall when a contractor was working on the roof of my church. He invited me to go up in the Snorkel Lift so I could get a bird’s eye view of the roof. It is so amazing what a difference in just a few feet – maybe 30 or 40 – can make in your field of view. I spent more time looking at the vistas before me than looking at the roof. So it is when we are in harmony with God. God raises us up and we can see more and we can see clearly.

Our journey toward walking in harmony with God will call us to sacrifice all allegiances we’ve had before. Jesus’ words here are strong because they need to be to get our attention. Jesus is not saying that I am to disown my family, that I am to sell everything I have and retreat from the world. Jesus is telling me, if I want to be his disciple, to make a list of everything that is important to me: wife, children, pets, friends, work, property etc. Now, at the very top of the list I insert God. My allegiance is to God, period. Then as I walk in harmony with God I have the vision to truly know and love the others in my life. My allegiance to God, my walking in harmony with God informs and defines everything else in my life.

Why would I want to make such a sacrifice or change in my life? Why would I want to give up control of life to God? I think the following three parables will help answer those questions.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

26-Jan-12     Luke 15:11-32

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