Friday, January 20, 2012

Luke 12: 22-40

In today’s passage Jesus very subtly introduces one of his greatest revelations about God. First, some background. When God called Moses to lead the exodus God revealed His name to Moses. However, in the following generations the Hebrews so revered God they would not speak or write God’s name. When writing God’s name they used four consonants; YHWH. Over time other people inserted vowels so as to render the name of God, YAHWEH. This word was later rendered into Jehovah.

At the beginning of the passage Jesus refers to God caring for His creation. Then Jesus becomes more personal and begins referring to God as “your Father.” Jesus personalized God, from being a distant power to a close, loving parent. It is one thing to believe in the God who created heaven and earth, it is another to trust God your Father with the care of your life. Jesus is calling his disciples to follow him into a close, personal, trusting relationship with their Heavenly Father; a relationship that will shape and transform every aspect of their lives.

Jesus’ instructions about saying alert and being ready are very similar to the instructions Moses gave the people of God. In the original exodus Moses instructed the people to be fully dressed, packed, and ready to travel, as they prepared their first Passover meal. (Exodus 12:11) Jesus is teaching his followers to be prepared for the events in Jerusalem that will surround his exodus. Jesus isn’t teaching the disciples about the end of time or the second coming of the Messiah. He is instructing his followers how to live in the here and now.

Why should we be so disciplined to maintain such a state of alert and readiness? First, Jesus is teaching us that this is the fruit of an abiding relationship with our loving, caring, life giving Heavenly Father. Secondly, continued awareness of this relationship is the heart of living the life of Christ. If your ambition is to make the life in Christ your way of life, living out of the truth of your core identity as the beloved children of God is where you begin and end.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

21-Jan-12     Luke 12:41-59

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