Thursday, January 5, 2012

Luke 6: 37-7:10

In Philippians 2:4 Luke’s friend, the Apostle Paul, writes, “Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.” I recalled Paul’s words as I read the scripture passage for today. Chapter six closes with Jesus continuing his instructions for living as the children of God. Chapter seven opens with the story of the Centurion’s faith. Jesus’ instructions focus on living lives of extravagant generosity; always extending to others the grace we have received from God. The Centurion embodied this way of life.

Jesus spent most of his ministry in the Galilee area, in and around Capernaum, Peter’s hometown. The Centurion, through his close friendship with the people, had heard of Jesus’ teachings and the miracles associated with Jesus’ ministry. The Centurion concluded that the God of Israel was the God of creation, the one, true living God. He also concluded that this God was present in Jesus. As one very familiar with the chain of command the Centurion expresses simple faith: If Jesus says someone will be healed, they will be healed! The Centurion’s faith was completely centered in Jesus, not on whether he deserved God’s favor because of the good works he had done for the people. The Centurion simply believed that Jesus was the Lord over all creation and in humility asked Jesus for help.

Jesus is the Lord of the universe.

If I really believe that, how can my prayers change?

If I really believe that, how can I live my life differently?

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

6-Jan-12       Luke 7:11-35

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