Sunday, January 8, 2012

Luke 8: 4-21

Jesus talks with his disciples about how the people are responding to his proclamation of God’s Kingdom. The parable of the sower provides images the disciples can easily imagine. Luke wants us to be sure we do not think of this as a theoretical exercise, as in how people might respond to God. Luke has already introduced us to all the people represented in the parable.

There were the people in Nazareth, when upon hearing Jesus teach from Isaiah trampled on the word as they rushed Jesus out of the synagogue.

There was the Pharisee who wanted to hear more of Jesus’ words and invited Jesus to dinner. But, his prejudice against Jesus and the woman made Jesus’ words land upon the rocks and stones of his heart.

There was the present generation of discontents who responded to neither John nor Jesus. Their lives had too many distractions that choked out the words of Jesus.

But, there were also the Gentile Centurion, the woman at the table with Jesus, and the twelve disciples. All these received Jesus words and produced a harvest of fruit.

There was also the group of women that traveled with Jesus. There was a high cost to their discipleship. Not only did they support his ministry with their financial means, they did so with a willingness to go against many of the social customs of their day. These women were the first disciples to truly get out of their comfort zone and dare to live a new way in response to the life giving words of Jesus.

These courageous women, as well as the others who received Jesus’ words, challenge me to examine my own life: How much fruit is Jesus’ word producing in my life?

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

9-Jan-12       Luke 8:22-39

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