Friday, February 24, 2012

Hebrews 10: 1-18

In today’s passage the writer is pointing to a central theme for those of us seeking to live the life in Christ. If Jesus has made the final sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins why then do we include prayers of confession in our worship services?  If, through faith in Jesus, we have already been forgiven of our sins why do we keep asking for forgiveness?

Jesus’ final sacrifice dealt with sin and sins. Jesus’ sacrifice first deals with our original sin, the sin nature within us that separated us from God. Once that original sin is dealt with we have access to the God the Father and nothing can ever again separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. This is the Exchanged Life where we give Jesus our old life and receive from him new life in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).

Although our spirits have been cleansed and made right with God, our flesh is still corrupted by sins. It is God’s will that we become perfect as Jesus is perfect, therefore, after we have been cleansed by God’s justifying grace, we embark on a journey of faith wherein God’s sanctifying grace will transform us to become like Jesus. Our part in the process is to learn to recognize those aspects of our life (sins) that do not conform to God’s will for us. Then we confess them and invite God’s sanctifying grace to conform our conduct to God’s will.

We will not change the course of our lives until we recognize, and agree with God, that our conduct is contrary to God’s will. There is an appropriate sense of guilt for the parts of our life that are contrary to God’s will. We ask God’s forgiveness because, although we are God’s beloved child, our life is not reflecting that reality. However, first, last and always, God leads us by his grace, not by condemnation. (See Romans 8:1-2)

Every worship service should focus more on God’s grace than on our failures. When we leave our worship service we should go forth rejoicing that because of Jesus’ once and for all time sacrifice, we are the beloved children of God, with whom he is delighted and upon whom his favor rests.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

25-Feb-12     Heb. 10:19-39

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