Saturday, February 4, 2012

Luke 20:1-19

The Pharisees were hoping Jesus would say something that they could use against him; they were not really looking for truth. Jesus exposed their hypocrisy both in refusing to answer their question directly, and in the parable of the vineyard that follows. Jesus’ reference to John the Baptist wasn’t just a simple question. If John the Baptist was indeed a Prophet of God then his baptism of Jesus was the anointing of God’s Messiah as evidenced by the voice from Heaven proclaiming Jesus as God’s son. The Pharisees were trapped. If they affirmed John how could they deny Jesus? If they deny John they lose all credibility with the people.

The Pharisees didn’t have difficulty understanding Jesus’ parable. In Isaiah chapter 5 Israel is presented as a vineyard planted by God. The farmers in the parable represent Israel and the messengers are the prophets of God. Instead of producing good fruit the vineyard produces only wild grapes. Everybody present knew Jesus was talking about the rebellious nature of Israel and the judgment of God against Israel’s sins.

Israel will reject Jesus but then God will make Jesus the cornerstone in His new Kingdom. 

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

5-Feb-12       Luke 20:20-40

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