Thursday, February 2, 2012

Luke 19:11-27

This is a troubling parable because it graphically portrays judgment, and none of us wants to be judged. Jesus was not speaking about the future judgment of God at the end of this present age, at the coming again of Christ. He was speaking to the people about their here and now, what was about to happen in Jerusalem when the Messiah of God comes to claim His throne.

The Jews had three expectations of their Messiah: He would end the oppression of the Romans; He would re-establish God’s presence in the Temple; He would rule the world as the true King. Those listening to Jesus on the dusty road from Jericho to Jerusalem would have understood the parable to affirm to them that God’s Kingdom was in fact coming in their here and now and it was coming with judgment and mercy against Israel. Given the increasing hostility directed at Jesus by the establishment I think those listening to Jesus also began to understand that Jesus would be rejected in Jerusalem. What they clearly did not understand is that Jesus was not just telling them about God and the coming Kingdom of God; Jesus was the incarnation of God. It is Israel’s God that will soon make a triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

3-Feb-12       Luke 19:28-48

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