Sunday, February 5, 2012

Luke 20:20-40

The Roman coin had an inscription of the Roman Emperor with text affirming him as divine and high priest. Because the Jews were forbidden to make an image of their God, just to hold a Roman coin was completely offensive to a devout Jew. (Interestingly, the Jewish leaders had no trouble producing the Roman coin when Jesus asked for one)

The Jewish leaders thought Jesus had no choice but to anger either the Romans or the Jews by his response. However, Jesus’ response went in an expected direction. Jesus asked the Pharisees whose image was on the coin. Because Caesar’s image was on the coin Jesus said “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” The image of God is not on a coin, it is within human beings. We are created in the image of God. When Jesus says “give to God what belongs to God” Jesus is teaching us to give ourselves to God.

Could it be that the leading Jews were so blind? Not only would they give back to Caesar what was his; a coin with Caesar’ likeness and the inscription ‘son of God’; they would turn over to Caesar the actual person who is the Son of God.

If we humans are not totally blind to the ways of God we are certainly nearsighted. We keep falling into the trap of trying to understand God’s ways by applying human wisdom. That is the pit the Sadducees fell into when they asked Jesus, “Whose wife is she?” Their silly question revealed their ignorance about God and scripture.

Jesus responds by showing how they are limiting God’s power when they presume there cannot be a resurrection. Second, they do not understand God’s purposes when they presume that if there were a resurrection, then life in the ‘after-life’ would simply be an extension of their present culture. (In their question the woman is treated as a piece of property and in the ‘after-life’ they assume she is still someone’s property.)  In the bodily resurrection in the coming Kingdom all of the children of God will have been completely transformed into the image of God.

The church has continued to tell this story of Jesus encounter with the Sadducees because Jesus’ resurrection proved that all things are possible with God; even the reversal of a death sentence.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

6-Feb-12       Luke 20:41-21:19

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