Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hebrews 12: 14-29

Is there really a Blessed Assurance? In Matthew 7:21 Jesus says not everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In Hebrews the author has affirmed these words of Jesus three times: 6:4-8; 10:26-31; and 12:17. So, I ask again, is there really a Blessed Assurance for the followers of Jesus?

The Apostle Paul makes a strong case in Romans 5-8 that Christians do not drift in and out of a state of salvation. You are either covered by the blood of Jesus or you are not. Paul, in the entire body of his work, is absolutely convinced that God wants the Christian to rest in the assurance of their salvation. (As an example see Romans 8:31-39) So, how can be sure?

First, I receive without objection the author’s encouragement for me to pursue holiness. The author says that those who are resting in assurance have not only had their spirits cleansed by Jesus, they are also working cooperatively with the Holy Spirit to “strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up” (12:1) In short, pursuing scriptural holiness is the priority of those resting in Jesus.

The second point that evidences assurance is the sense of joy I experience as I read of my heavenly home. The Israelites had never experienced the presence of God with them until Moses went up on Mount Sinai. What they saw and heard scared the bejabbers out of them. The author of Hebrews describes this very same presence of God, but now Jesus has gone before us to prepare our entry into the heavenly places. The earthly sense of fear and foreboding are not present in the lives of those resting in Jesus. Every time I have traveled out of the USA I have had the same experience when I returned; my heart skips a beat, flutters, and rejoices, because I AM HOME. When I read the author’s description of heaven I have that same homecoming experience; times a gazillion.

Finally, my assurance rests on my belief that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. I worship God with awe and with holy fear or reverence. I know my God is a consuming fire, burning all the sin out of my life so that nothing impedes my sharing in the joy of the angels and saints that surround God’s throne. That consuming fire, for me, is like going to the dentist. Sometimes I am just having my teeth cleaned, which is not very comfortable while it is happening, but the result is worth the experience. Sometimes, though, it is for a root canal and that experience can be most uncomfortable. But again, the result is well worth the experience.

In summary, a Christian is resting in Godly assurance when they receive with joy God’s call to rest in His holiness.

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

29-Feb-12     Heb. 13

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