Friday, February 3, 2012

Luke 19:28-48

Both Matthew and Mark include Jesus’ cursing a fig tree with his entry into Jerusalem and his cleansing of the Temple. Only Luke reveals that Jesus wept over Jerusalem. This was not just a prophet weeping, this was not just the Messiah of God weeping; this was God weeping.

Imagine with me that Jesus is coming to our town. Recall that Jesus has been warning the people that their rebellious attitudes, their desire to seek retribution and vengeance, their bent on meeting violence with violence, all of this is leading to their own destruction. The people were trying to address their problems with their wisdom, with the ways of the world. They were not looking to to the ways of God and His Kingdom to inform them how to live with their neighbors, within their communities.

Recall with me that God had a covenant relationship with God. The failure of Israel to fulfill her side of the covenant did not just mean she wouldn’t be blessed by God, it meant she would be cut off from God.

So, Jesus is coming to our town and we are the people of God’s New Covenant. Do you think Jesus would weep over the coming judgment?

What word or phrase in these verses
attracts your attention?
Reflect on that word or phrase.
What insights come to you?
How does this passage touch your life today?

4-Feb-12       Luke 20:1-19

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